Hotel Information - 2025 Information will not be available until September 2025
2023 Hotel Information (for reference)
Hotel Registrations. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Crowne Plaza Louisville Airport. Each State is responsible for making lodging arrangements for its participants. To avoid confusion and to ensure your participants have lodging, please communicate with other personnel in your state when making reservations. The hotel will not hold reservations past 6:00 p.m. without a credit card guarantee.
Single or Double $171 plus taxes
Triple or Quad $171 plus taxes
For reservation information, contact the Crowne Plaza Louisville Airport
Online reservations - There is a dedicated booking website for the event where you are able to make, modify, and cancel hotel reservations online, as well as take advantage of any room upgrades, amenities, or other services offered by the hotel. The cut-off date for reservations is October 19, 2025.
By telephone - (866) 888-0620
*NOTE: To reserve rooms, when you call in, indicate that you are with the 4H Poultry and Egg Conference.